University Travel
Bon voyage! Are you ready to travel?
Before you go, please note that Old Dominion University is required to communicate State travel policies, regulations, and procedures to all employees who travel on State business. Additionally, ODU must ensure that all travel expenses conform to the State travel regulations. Learn more by reviewing the ODU Travel Guidelines.
Specific Travel Guidelines

The Enterprise Rent-A-Car contract is preferred for official business travel. It should be used unless a cost/benefit analysis indicates that personal vehicle use is cheaper for the University.

If a traveler is required to leave the country on University business, approval from the provost or designee must be obtained prior to the beginning of the trip.

Lodging may be reimbursed when an individual travels overnight on official business outside their station. Learn the requirements.

Miscellaneous expenses may be reimbursed if they directly relate to official business while the individual is in travel status. View guidelines.

All employees traveling on University business must submit their travel to the Travel Registry prior to travel.

The Enterprise Rent-A-Car contract is preferred for official business travel. It should be used unless a cost/benefit analysis indicates that personal vehicle use is cheaper for the University.

If a traveler is required to leave the country on University business, approval from the provost or designee must be obtained prior to the beginning of the trip.

Lodging may be reimbursed when an individual travels overnight on official business outside their station. Learn the requirements.

Miscellaneous expenses may be reimbursed if they directly relate to official business while the individual is in travel status. View guidelines.

All employees traveling on University business must submit their travel to the Travel Registry prior to travel.

The Enterprise Rent-A-Car contract is preferred for official business travel. It should be used unless a cost/benefit analysis indicates that personal vehicle use is cheaper for the University.
Who Is My Travel Processor?
Each department is assigned a specific travel processor who understands the unique business operations of their unit.